联新(开平)高性能纤维有限公司<br>performance fibers (kaiping) company limited<br><br>our company: <br>headquartered in the us, performance fibers is one of the world's leading suppliers of high-tenacity polyester fiber and fabrics for industrial applications. performance fibers operates manufacturing facilities in north america, asia and europe. <br>performance fibers kaiping(formerly honeywell kaiping), founded in 1996, is now a wholly owned subsidiary of performance fibers, inc.. the company is the largest industrial polyester fiber and fabric manufacturer in china,with more than 750 employees. <br><br>our products: <br>equipped with world class technology and machinery, we specialize in spinning industrial polyester yarn, weaving and dipping canvas and tire cord fabrics. the main applications of our products include tire cord fabric, mechanical rubber goods, broad woven fabrics, narrow fabrics, ropes and hoses. <br><br>our vision:<br>to become a successful growth business, maximizing value to our customers and stakeholders by investing in our people and our products.<br><br>our values: <br>integrity, speed, diversity, performance, innovation, teamwork, commitment <br><br>employee development:<br>we constantly invest in our people. each and every one of our employees is required to receive a minimum of 40 hours of training per year that covers a wide range of disciplines including product and process technology, quality awareness, six-sigma, team building and management skills. all employees are committed to continuous improvement to delight our customers.<br><br>job opportunities: <br>to cope with our aggressive expansion in china, we are inviting high-caliber talents to join our company. we offer not only a job but a career!<br><br>公司简介<br>总部位于美国的高性能纤维公司是世界领先的工业用高强聚酯纤维与织物供应商。公司在北美,亚洲和欧洲设有生产工厂及分支机构。<br>联新(开平)高性能纤维有限公司(前开平霍尼韦尔工业聚合物有限公司)成立于1996年,是美国高性能纤维公司旗下的全资子公司。联新(开平)是中国最大的聚酯工业纤维与织物制造公司之一,目前公司员工超过750人。<br><br>公司产品<br>联新(开平)高性能纤维有限公司拥有世界一流的技术及设备。公司专业生产涤纶工业长丝,浸胶工业帆布及帘子布。产品广泛应用于橡胶及子午线轮胎的骨架材料,整芯输送带,多层输送带,pvc/pu蓬盖织物,灯箱广告布,吊装带,牵引带,安全带,线缆绳管及土工材料。<br><br>我们的远景<br>成为成功的增长型公司,通过对人才和产品的投入,为客户和权益人创造最大价值。<br><br>我们的价值观 <br>诚信、速度、多元化、绩效、创新、团队合作、承诺<br><br>员工发展<br>我们不断地对员工进行投资。每位员工每年参加不少于40小时的培训,其中包括产品与工艺流程、质量意识、六个西格码、团队建设及提高管理技能的培训。我们的承诺是:不断改进,让客户惊喜。 <br><br>求贤纳士<br>为了满足我们在中国发展的需要,我们邀请有才干的人才加入我们的团队。我们提供的不仅仅是一份工作,而是一份事业。<br><br><br>联新(开平)高性能纤维有限公司<br>地址: 广东省开平市虹桥路3号 <br>(备注:开平市位于广东珠三角地区,公司每个周末提供往返广州的专线车)<br><br>联新(开平)高性能纤维有限公司上海分公司<br>地址:上海南京西路580号南证大厦2508室